or: Now, You Can Do Anything....
Yesterday I took my daughter and her best bud for a trapeze lesson. (Part 1) It was an amazing experience. This was an event I had promised her for a year and was finally able to coordinate at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY.
She couldn't sleep the night before and the couple of hours leading up to the lesson seemed to drag on forever.....
I was so excited for her that I didn't know what to do first; take still photos? Take video? Take a video on my phone to text to friends and family? Or watch and breathe?
Well, the videos and still photos won most of my attention.
I mean, how could I not capture this moment forever?
She was blessed to work with some of the most well known, world renowned circus people in the entire world! Including:
'Uncle' Tony Steele, who, nearing 80 years old and having been in the circus since he was 15, is a Guiness World Record Holder:
Chachi, who is 5th generation in a circus family:
And Peter Gold, one of the most beloved trapeze instructors in the world:
I watched as much as I could with my own two eyes but am sooo glad I got it all on video! She and I have watched it over and over and over again...
This one is going in a frame:
The thrill, even from the ground, was absolutely unbelievable! Being able to give this gift to my daughter was an honor. But the highlight for me was when Peter Gold told her, "Marley, now that you have flown on a trapeze, you can do anything."
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